Monthly Archives: September 2016

What Your Dental Dreams Tell You?

What Your Dental Dreams Tell You

You can always deal with stress. Others consider traveling or eat super and delicious foods or even sleep. Obviously, most of us prefer the latter. Besides giving your consciousness a break, sleeping is the most convenient and natural state of rest. However, sleeping can’t sometimes close the petals. This means your subconscious mind can still activate most especially when you dream.

Indeed, dreaming is a very natural thing you encounter. But what makes it more bizarre is the meaning it carries. Let’s start with teeth dreams. Individuals who are struggling about it can learn from the bits of info below.

Cavity dreams are extremely common. This epidemic attacks and inflicts anyone, regardless of age, gender and race. Cavities are also known as tooth decay. Regardless of how you call it, this prevalent problem causes pain and discomfort that which can induce havoc to your oral health. Based on experts, cavity dreams mirror insecurities & lack of confidence.

As an addition, this can also mean warning signs of medical conditions. However, depends on the severity of the case. If you dream of small tooth cavities, this may indicate reproductive problems. For larger cavities, you might be connected with issues related to your respiratory or lungs.

Wisdom teeth dreams also are typical dreams you can encounter, said by an emergency dentist Mesa. Based on analysis, this could mean you’d learn new things from yourself or new knowledge. A pulled wisdom tooth also represents a sign that connects with your recent situation.

Missing teeth dreams, just like cavity dreams, also implicate insecurities. The vision might also symbolize your fear of rejection or your troubles about aging. Tooth loss can also represent poor sexual prowess.

Irrespective of your teeth dreams, you must remember that cavities shouldn’t come to life. They should stay a dream. And for you to ensure that, start considering dental care and proper oral hygiene. The method involves removing bad bacteria, plaques and debris. Therefore, this needs the use of soft-bristled toothbrushes, dental floss and regular consultations with your personal dentist.

Teeth dreams are normal. But cavities and tooth loss aren’t. So consult your dentist today to avoid any of them.

Perks & Major Setbacks of Sun to Dental Health

Perks & Major Setbacks of Sun to Dental Health

Sun is really essential to us. The flaming star isn’t only helpful in providing light, heat and life but it also treats inevitable difficulties. Based on research, sunlight can enhance heart health. It can also help proper food digestion, fight anxiety and body pain, lower your blood pressure, alleviate depression and improve dental health. Thanks to Vitamin D.

The sun is known to carry Vitamin D. This vitamin is known as sunshine vitamin that helps fight bone loss and dental problems.

According to analysis, over 8 percent of Americans suffer from vitamin D deficiency. And health professionals discovered that most natural way to fight the problem – and that is through sun exposure. Research shows, vitamin D is essential to your bone. It can generate calcium which is extremely helpful in building strong bones and promoting good oral health.

Nowadays, a lot of health experts considered vitamin D as the most beneficial nutrient. Besides reducing risks for bone fractures, this can help boost your teeth’s development. The said vitamin is also utilized to fight osteoporosis and weak immune system. However, with too much sun exposure, it can trigger another outbreak.

Experts proved the risks associated with too much sun exposure. The most common infection triggered by sun exposure is cold sore. These tiny oral blisters often exist on your lip and cheeks. Cold sores are considered minor infections. Although the said virus naturally heals, it’s very important to monitor the outbreak of this problem. Aside from that, cold sores may contribute to serious dental problems, including mouth cancer. This is the main cause why dental professionals suggested sun protection factor or SPF 15 to your lips to fight the said outbreak while you enjoy the sun.

Caution should be done before enjoying the sun. Individuals who lack vitamin D are advised to consider sun protection factor or even sun sensor patch that can limit them from sun exposure. Most cases, sun exposure should only last for 10 minutes per day.

If you want to learn more how sun can impact your dental health, visit a 24 hour emergency dentist today.