Healthy Teeth, Better Weight

Healthy Teeth, Better Weight

The cases of gum disease and tooth decay on obese people are high and are said to be related in more ways than one. Battling weight gain has been hard for many people due to the allure of sugary snacks and treats and a sedentary lifestyle to top it all off. Modern problems are usually answerable by simple solutions which mainly involve eating habits and proper dental health care starting childhood years.

Your oral health is a key determinant to assessing if your efforts in weight management will work. You’re often show signs or symptoms of systemic diseases in the body. You can see diabetic patients that have dental plaque and periodontal disease. Other diseases are also reflected or affected by dental issues.

To achieve your ideal weight. You should avoid foods that endanger your dental health and make simple changes in your eating habit.

Saying goodbye to fizzy drinks. Carbonated sodas and juice drinks are causes of tooth decay and tooth erosion. The acidity and added sugar in these drinks scrape the enamel of the tooth that makes teeth prone to the attack of bacteria and tooth decay. The teeth are also prone to staining and sensitivity when you consume these drinks. Avoiding sodas and juices help your teeth keep its hard protective coating. At the same time, your body will not absorb all that calories.

Forget processed and say hi to plant-based. Food loses its nutrient value when you put it under different processes. Consuming processed food would not only make you fat due to the added sugar, salt, and oil but would also make your teeth weak. The vitamins and nutrients that your body needs are no longer present in the food that you ingest. Vitamin C and calcium are among the much-needed nutrients to keep your immune system healthy and for bones and teeth to be strong. Go for foods that are rich in fiber and other minerals like fruit and vegetables. Nature has a wide variety of choices to keep your teeth healthy and your body in tip-top shape. Buy apples and pears, nuts, green leafy vegetables, milk, and cheese to fill your cravings.

Enjoy sports not the sports drink. You can do all the sports activity that you want as long as you skip the sports drink. No matter how fancy or how promising those products are, don’t be fooled into sipping on them each time you hit the court or the streets. These are filled with sugar and you know how it’s a pain in the teeth. Drink water instead. It is a natural way to wash all the bacteria in your mouth plus it rehydrates you. We are made up mostly of water and not of any drink. So be sure to bring your water bottle the next time you hit the gym.

You have to discern actions that will help you realize your goals. Choose the path that would keep your figure and still have the right and intended nutrients for your body to function. You can do this by visiting a dentist – a perfect way to avert emergency dental hospital risk factors.

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